Natura Urbana
Ecological Constellations in Urban Space
Matthew Gandy, March 2022
The MIT Press
432 pages
Order your copy via the MIT Press website here.
The Botanical City
Matthew Gandy, Sandra Jasper (eds.), 2020
Berlin: jovis
323 pages
Urban Appropriation Strategies
Flavia Alice Mameli, Franziska Polleter, Mathilda Rosengren, Josefine Sarkez-Knudsen (eds.), 2018
Bielefeld: transcript
152 pages
Matthew Gandy, 2016
London: Reaktion
238 pages
Nature, sexualité, et hétérotopie
Matthew Gandy, 2015
Paris: Eterotopia
72 pages
The Acoustic City
Matthew Gandy, BJ Nilsen (eds.), 2014
208 pages
Gandy, M. 2022 ‘Ghosts and monsters: Reconstructing nature on the site of the Berlin Wall’ Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Gandy, M. 2022 ‘An Arkansas parable for the Anthropocene’ Annals of the American Association of Geographers 112(2) pp. 368–386.
Gandy, M. 2022 ‘Urban political ecology: a critical reconfiguration’ Progress in Human Geography 46(1) pp. 21–43.
Gandy, M. 2022 ‘The zoonotic city: urban political ecology and the pandemic imaginary’ International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 46(2), pp. 202-219.
Gandy, M. 2021 ‘Urban politische Ökologie im Rück- und Ausblick’ Sub\ Urban: Zeitschrift für kritische Stadtforschung 9 (3/4) pp. 289–301.
Gandy, M. 2021 ‘Film as Method in the Geohumanities’ Geohumanities 7 1-20.
Gandy, M. 2020 ‘Urban nature’ in Domosh, M., Heffernan, M. and Withers, C. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Historical Geography (London: Sage) pp. 622-636.
Gandy, M. 2019 ‘What is an urban landscape?’ in Rinaldi, B. and Yok, P. (eds.) Urban landscapes in high-density cities (London: Routledge).
Gandy, M. 2019 ‘Berlin bodies: Anatomizing the streets of the city by Stephen Barber (review)’ Journal of Urban Affairs, p.1-2.
Gandy, M. 2019 ‘The fly that tried to save the world: Saproxylic geographies and other‐than‐human ecologies’ Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 44, p.392-406.
Gandy, M. 2019 ‘Pathways into the unknown: excursions through fallow lands,’ New Geographies (in press).
Gandy, M. 2018 ‘Cities in deep time: bio-diversity, metabolic rift, and the urban question,’ City 22 (1) 96–105.
Gandy, M. 2018 ‘Enlarging the orchestra: expertise and landscape design,’ in Braae, E. and Steiner, H. (eds.) Companion to landscape architecture (London: Routledge) pp. 180–189.
Gandy, M. 2018 ‘Urban nature and ecological imaginary,’ in Lindner, C. and Meissner, M. (eds.) The Routledge companion to urban imaginaries (London and New York: Routledge) pp. 54–63.
Gandy, M. 2018 ‘Marginalia: Ästhetik, Ökologie und städtisches Brachland,’ in Gesing, F., Knecht, M., Flitner, M., and Amelang, Katrin (eds.) NaturenKulturen: Denkräume und Werkzeuge für neue politische Ökologien (Bielefeld: Transcript.)
Gandy, M. 2017 ‘Urban atmospheres,’ Cultural Geographies 24 (3) pp. 353–374.
Gandy, M. 2017 ‘Agua, probreza y fragmentacíon urbana en Mumbai,’ in Salamancar Villamizar, C.; and Astudillo Pizarro, F. (eds.) Recursos, vínculos, y territories: inflexiones transversales en torno al agua (Rosario: UNR Editora) pp. 377–418.
Gandy, M. 2017 ‘Negative luminescence’ Annals of the American Association of Geographers pp. 1-18.
Gandy, M. and Jasper, S. 2017 ‘Geography, materialism, and the neo-vitalist turn,’ Dialogues in Human Geography 7 (2) pp. 140–144.
Gandy, M. and Jasper, S. 2016 ‘Nature, science, and neo-vitalism in geography’ Dialogues in Human Geography 6 (in press).
Gandy, M. 2016 ‘Auf den Spuren des Los Angeles River’ in Flitner, M.; Lossau, J.; and Müller, A-L (eds.) Infrastrukturen der Stadt (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag) (in press) pp. 173–193.
Gandy, M. 2016 ‘Methods, metaphors, and the interdisciplinary terrain of urban research’ in Campkin B. and Duijzings G. (eds.). 2016. Engaged Urbanism. Cities, methodologies (London: IB Tauris)
Gandy, M. 2016 ‘Infrastructure in question’ in Matern, A. (ed.) Urbane Infrastrukturen und ihre Transformation. Städte – Orte – Räume (Bielefeld: transcript)
Gandy, M. 2016 ‘The glare of modernity’ LA+: Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture pp. 14-17.
Gandy, M. 2016 ‘Mapping urban nature’ in Beebeejaun, Y. (ed.) The participatory city (Berlin: jovis) pp. 162-168.
Gandy, M. 2016 ‘Unintentional landscapes’ Journal of Landscape Research 41 (4) pp. 433–440.
Gandy, M. 2016 ‘The elusive artefact,’ in Garutti, F. (ed.) Misleading Innocence (Montreal: Canadian Center for Architecture).
Gandy, M. 2015 ‘From urban ecology to ecological urbanism: an ambiguous trajectory’ Area 47 (2) pp. 150-154.
Gandy, M. 2014 ‘Urban metabolisms’ New Geographies 6 pp. 70-78.
Gandy, M. 2014 ‘Strange accumulations: the soundscapes of late modernity in J. G. Ballard’s The Sound-Sweep’ in Gandy, M. and Nilsen, BJ (eds.) The acoustic city (Berlin: jovis) pp. 33-39.
Gandy, M. 2014 ‘Acoustic terrains: an introduction’ in Gandy, M. and Nilsen, BJ (eds.) The acoustic city (Berlin: jovis) pp. 7-13.
Gandy, M. 2014 ‘Where does the city end’ in Brenner, N. (ed.) Implosions / Explosions: towards a study of planetary urbanization (Berlin: Jovis) pp. 86-89.
Gandy, M. 2014 ‘Biodiversity, Lepidoptera and Berlin’ The Entomologist’s Record 126 pp. 48-57
Gandy, M. 2013 ‘Marginalia: aesthetics, ecology, and urban wastelands’ Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103 (6) pp. 1301-1316.
Gandy, M. 2013 ‘El resurgir de Zoöpolis: biodiversidad, paisaje y ecologías cosmopolitas / Zoöpolis redux: biodiversity, landscape, and cosmopolitan ecologies’ Urban: Revista del Departmento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio 3 pp. 3-8.
Gandy, M. 2013 ‘Entropy by design: Gilles Clément, Parc Henri Matisse and the limits to avant-garde urbanism’ International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37 (1) pp. 259-278.
Gandy, M. 2012 ‘The melancholy observer: landscape, neo-romanticism and the politics of documentary film making’ in Brad Praeger (ed.) Companion to Werner Herzog (Oxford and Malden, MA: Blackwell) pp. 528-546.
Gandy, M. 2012 ‘Queer ecology: nature, sexuality and urban heterotopic alliances’ Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 30, pp. 727-747.
Gandy, M. 2011 ‘Interstitial landscapes: reflections on a Berlin corner’ in Gandy, M. (ed.) 2011 Urban constellations (Berlin: jovis) pp. 149-152.
Jasper, S., 2021 ‘Traversing Wastelands: Reflections on an Abandoned Railway Yard,’ in O’Callaghan, C. and Di Feliciantonio, C. (eds.) The New Urban Ruins: Vacancy, Urban Politics, and International Experiments in the Post-Crisis City (Bristol: Policy Press).
Jasper, S. 2020 ‘Abandoned Infrastructures and Nonhuman Life,’ in Society & Space forum. Online.
Jasper, S. 2020 ‘Acoustic botany: Listening to nature in a former airfield,’ in Gandy, M. and Jasper, S. (eds.) The Botanical City (Berlin: jovis) pp.221-228.
Jasper, S. 2019 ‘Patina: A Profane Archaeology: Commentary by Sandra Jasper, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK’ The AAG Review of Books 7(2), pp. 118–120.
Jasper, S. 2019 ‘Capturing Brachen: A geographical journey into filmmaking,’ The AAG Review of Books 7(3), pp. 215–217.
Jasper, S. 2019 ‘Acoustic ecologies: Architecture, nature, and modernist experimentation in West Berlin’ Annals of the American Association of Geographers pp. 1–20 (published online: 25 Nov 2019)
Jasper, S. 2018 ‘Sonic refugia: nature, noise abatement and landscape design in West Berlin’ The Journal of Architecture. 23(6), pp. 936–960.
Jasper, S. 2018 ‘Ecological cadences’ in Natura Urbana: The Brachen of Berlin (DVD booklet), pp. 7–10.
Jasper, S., 2018. ‘Urban memory and visual culture in Berlin: Framing theasynchronous city, 1957–2012 by Simon Ward (review)’ German Studies Review 41(1), pp. 205–207.
Jasper, S., 2017. ‘Metropolitan preoccupations: The spatial politics of squatting in Berlin by Alexander Vasudevan (review)’ Cultural Geographies 24, pp. 505–506.
Jasper, S. 2014 ‘Acoustic ecology: Hans Scharoun and modernist experimentation in West Berlin’ in Gandy, M. and Nilsen, B.J. (eds.) The Acoustic City (Berlin: jovis) p. 145-155
Jasper, S. and Merrill, S. 2014 ‘Was ist so Berlin? Eine kritische Rezension aktueller Linien und Fragestellungen der Stadtforschung in der deutschen Hauptstadt’ sub/urban Zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, v. 2 (2), p.143-154. (also available in English).
Krivý, M. 2021. ‘”Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland” or “Digital Ecosystem”? Postsocialist Ecological Imaginaries in Tallin, Estonia’, Geoforum 126 pp. 233-243.
Krivý, M. 2020. ‘Tracing the urban pastoral in Tallinn: Leo Marx, Karl Marx, and urban political aesthetics’ In M. Gandy and S. Jasper (Eds.) The Botanical City (Berlin: jovis) pp. 243-252.
Krivý, M. 2020. ‘The Unbearable Lightness of “Complexity”‘ Perspecta 53: “Onus” pp. 59-69.
Krivý, M. 2020. ‘The unbearable lightness of “complexity”’ In J. Bedford (Ed.) Postmodernism and neoliberalism. Blacksburg: Architecture Exchange Press. (forthcoming)
Krivý, M. 2020. ‘Platform urbanism and knowledge-power’ In J. Stehlin et al. (Eds.) Urban platforms and the future city. London: Routledge. pp. 164-177.
Krivý, M. 2020. ‘Faceless concrete monsters, c. 1990′ In K. Cupers, H. Mattsson and C. Gabrielsson (Eds.) Neoliberalism on the ground: Architecture and transformation from the 1960s to the present (pp. 89-109). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Krivý, M. 2019. ‘Humanizing the living environment and the late socialist theory of architecture’ In V. Kulić (Ed.) Second World Postmodernisms: Architecture and Society under Late Socialism (pp. 33-46). London: Bloomsbury.
Krivý, M. 2019. ‘Automation or meaning? Socialism, humanism and cybernetics in Etarea’ Architectural Histories 7 (1), 1-17.
Krivý, M. 2019. ‘The smart and the ruined: Notes on the new social factory’ Thresholds 47, 75-90.
Grove, K., Krivý, M., Rickards, L., Schliwa, G., Collier, S.J., Cox, S. and Gandy, M. 2019. ‘Interventions on design and political geography’ Political Geography 74, 102017.
Hochhäusl, S., Lange, T., Adams, R.E., Barber, D.A., Bierig, A., Cupers, K., Doucet, I., Ferng, J., Fischer, S. von, Förster, K., Krivý, M., Kurg, A., Levin, A., Nolan, G. and Vronskaya, A., 2018. ‘Architecture and the environment’ Architectural Histories 6 (1), 1-20.
Krivý, M. 2018. ‘Towards a critique of cybernetic urbanism: The smart city and the society of control’ Planning Theory 17 (1), 8-30.
Krivý, M. 2018. ‘Cells and cities: The neo-vitalist impulse in contemporary urbanism’ Scapegoat: Architecture, Landscape, Political Economy 11, 22-39.
Krivý, M. and Ma, L. 2018. ‘The limits of the livable city: From Homo sapiens to Homo cappuccino’ Avery Review 30.
Krivý, M. 2017 ‘Socialist realism in real socialism: architectural theory in late socialist Czechoslovakia’ in V. Kulić (ed.) Second World Postmodernisms: Architecture and Society under Late Socialism, (London: Bloomsbury).
Krivý, M. 2017 ‘Quality of life or life-in-truth? A late socialist critique of housing estates in Czechoslovakia’
in Á. Moravánszky, T. Lange (eds.) Re-framing Identities: Architecture’s Turn to History, 1970-1990, (Berlin: Birkhäuser/De Gruyter Publishers).
Tuvikene, T., Krivý, M. 2017 ‘Tallinn: neoliberal or post-socialist?’ in C. Schmid (ed.), New Metropolitan Mainstream, (Berlin: Birkhäuser/De Gruyter Publishers).
Krivý, M. 2016 ‘Towards a critique of cybernetic urbanism: the smart city and the society of control’ Planning Theory, online before print, pp.1-21.
Krivý, M. 2016 ‘Parametricist architecture, smart cities, and the politics of consensus’ Ehituskunst: Investigations in Architecture and Theory 57, pp. 22-45.
Krivý, M. 2016 ‘Postmodernism or socialist realism? The architecture of housing estates in late socialist Czechoslovakia’ Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 75(1) pp. 74-101.
Krivý, M. 2016 ‘From mining to data mining’ in J. Tali et al. (Eds.) Baltic Atlas (Berlin: Sternberg Press) pp. 191-202.
Krivý, M. 2016 ‘On housing (interview with Owen Hatherley)’ Ehituskunst: Investigations in Architecture and Theory 57, pp. 68-81.
Nyman, M. 2020. ‘Drying greens, commons, and the possibilities of the botanical (in one quiet corner of London)’ In M. Gandy and S. Jasper (Eds.) The Botanical City (Berlin: jovis) pp.107-119
Nyman, M. 2019. ‘Food, meaning-making and ontological uncertainty: exploring “urban foraging” and productive landscapes in London’, Geoforum 99, pp.170-180
Ramesh, N. (n.d.) ‘Vernacular natures: tracing emergent environmental politics in the shadow of the urban’. Environment & Planning E (in preparation)
Ramesh, N. (n.d.) ‘Infrastructural relations in comparison: an experiment with the minor geographies of major cities’. Urban Studies (in review)
Ramesh, N. (2020) ‘Between fragments and ordering: engineering water infrastructures in a postcolonial city,’ Geoforum 119. Online.
Ramesh, N. (2020) ‘Exploring Chennai, City of Fish’, 2 October 2020, W Journal, Whetstone Magazine. Online.
Rehman, N. 2021 ‘Unsettling a sanitary enclave: malaria at Mian Mir (1849-1910)‘. Planning Perspectives.
Rehman, N. 2020 ‘Primary Materials: Rethinking Landscape through Lahore’s Plants, Seeds, and Soils’. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (forthcoming)
Rehman, N. 2020 ‘Following Mosquitoes into an Urban Forest’ in The Botanical City. Gandy, M. & Jasper, S. (eds.) (Berlin: jovis) pp.178-184.
Rehman, N. and Cardoso Llach, D. 2016 ‘Functional Utopias: Are Latin America’s Cities Arcadias of Radical Modernism’ Urban Flux.
Rehman, N. 2014 ‘Description, display and distribution: cultivating a garden identity in late nineteenth-century Lahore’ Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, 34(2), pp.176-186.
Rosengren, M. 2020 ‘There’s life in dead wood – tracing a more-than-human urbanity in spontaneous Gothenburgian nature’ in The Botanical City. Gandy, M. & Jasper, S. (eds.) (Berlin: jovis) pp.229-236.
Rosengren, M. 2018 ‘Urban Appropriation Strategies: an introduction’ in Urban Appropriation Strategies: Exploring Space-making Practices in Contemporary European Cityscapes. Rosengren, M., Mameli, F A., Polleter, F. and Sarkez-Knudsen, J. (eds.) Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 11-21.
Rosengren, M. 2018 ‘Urban Natures of Appropriation – Interview with Matthew Gandy’ in Urban Appropriation Strategies: Exploring Space-making Practices in Contemporary European Cityscapes. Rosengren, M., Mameli, F A., Polleter, F. and Sarkez-Knudsen, J. (eds.) Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 65-71.
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Srinivasan K. 2018 ‘Posthumanist animal studies and zoöpolitical law’ in Critical Animal Studies, (eds. Matsuoka A., Sorenson J), Rowman and Littlefield International, 234-253
Srinivasan, K. 2017 ‘Conservation biopolitics and the sustainability episteme’ Environment and Planning A Online first.
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